Estratégias locais para tornar as cidades mais resilientes: o caso de Garibaldi (RS)
Resilience, Sustainability, Human settlements, Climate chance, Fossil fuel scarcityAbstract
The concept of sustainability brings the concern about the survival of life and future generations. The literature points to possible future scenarios that will impact cities generating crises and exposing the vulnerabilities of the urban settlements. In this context arises the discourse on resilience, which can be understood as the ability of a community exposed to hazards to resist, absorb and recover from the effects of a hazard through the preservation and restoration of its essential basic structures and functions. The objective of this paper is to propose local strategies to turn cities more resilient, especially in relation to climate change and the scarcity of fossil fuels. The methodology includes literature review and the application of the concepts referred to in the work “Resilient Cities: responding to peak oil and climate change” by Newman et. al (2009) in a case of study. The city selected for the case of study is Garibaldi, in the Serra Gaucha, which is a small community with approximately 30,000 inhabitants. The results presented are recommendations that can be implemented by the municipal government, that can also be used as a benchmark to start a discussion on the topics covered.
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