
Login or Register to make a submission.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for authors, including text layout, are available in the link file: Template Paranoa. It is also necessary to complete the author identification form.

Revista Paranoá publishes original and unpublished works within a multidisciplinary scope of the different academic areas of Architecture and Urbanism, distributed in three sections:

 * Project and Planning;

  * Theory, History and Criticism;

  * Technology, Environment and Sustainability.

The journal accepts articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish, in the following categories:

  • Scientific Articles: Investigations based on empirical data using scientific methodology, aimed at disseminating unpublished results.
  • Academic Articles: Literature review, notes on current topics and discussions, academic position or point of view.
  • Reviews: Presentation and critical analysis of a book published in the area one year, at the most, prior to submission.
  • Unpublished translations of texts relevant to the area;
  • Essays;
  • Interviews.

Paranoá will published papers which contribute, directly and indirectly, to reflection and debate in the area of architecture and urbanism, according to the evaluation of the Scientific Committee and the Editorial Board.

Paranoá does not charge any fees for submission, processing and availability of articles. The process is entirely free and has the voluntary participation of researchers from Brazil and abroad in its editorial process. Its online publication is managed by the Central Library of the University of Brasilia, using the OJS - Open Journal System. Contributions have to be submitted online at

All articles are submitted to Double Blind Peer Review.

Editorial standards

The Journal will check, through a plagiarism detection tool, all articles submitted before sending them for peer review.

Research involving human subjects must present an approval letter by the Ethics Committee of the institution of origin (included as a document in the submission).

All documents must be sent via the journal's website. Email submissions will not be accepted.

Formatting standards

Papers must follow the journal’s template.

Authors must complete and send the authors identification form.

The files must be sent in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.

Article submission

Only articles submitted through the Paranoá Journal website will be accepted.

Register in the system or access if you are already registered.

There are 4 steps for submission:

Step 1: Start submission

Language: choose the language;

Section: choose a section;

Requirements for sending a manuscript: read and mark all publication conditions for Revista Paranoá.

Comments for the editor: optional;

Copyright Statements: Read and agree with the terms of the Paranoá Journal Copyright Statement.

Step 2: Transfer of the manuscript

In this step, you will transfer two (2) files:

1) the manuscript file and;

2) the author identification form.

First, upload the submission file (article text):

Upload submission file: "article component" → article text → “Send file”.

Attention, the article must not contain any information from the authors, including in the Bibliographic References. The file must be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.

Second, upload the authors identification form

Upload submission file: "article component" → authors identification form → “Send file”.

Step 3: Submission data

Title of the work in Portuguese; Title (in English); Title (in Spanish);

Summary of work in Portuguese; abstract (in English); resumen (in Spanish);

List of Co-Authors: insert the data of the authors, including name, e-mail, institution and biography. - The inclusion of ALL authors is MANDATORY.

Languages: identify the main language of the article; keywords / key-words (English) / keywords (Spanish);

Indexing: enter information about field of knowledge, and language.

Funding agencies: inform the funding agencies of the work.

References: insert the list of bibliographic references, according to ABNT format.

Step 4: Confirmation of submission

Complete submission: after completing and checking the previous steps, confirm the submission of your work to Revista Paranoá. A should receive a confirmation email. Follow the status of the submission within the journal's editorial process by accessing the system as an author.

The editors reserve the right not to publish articles that, even if selected, are not strictly in accordance with all the rules here presented.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in DOCX, ODT oR RTF format.
  • URLs for referrals were provided when possible.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Submissions page.
  • The author's identification form was filed.

Book reviews

The Book Reviews section accepts papers that present and critically analyze books published in the area of Architecture and Urbanism and the like which have been published in the last two (2) years. Reviews by the authors themselves will not be accepted. Reviews can have up to 20,000 characters with spaces (including bibliographic references).

Book Reviews will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee of the Magazine.


This section publishes Portuguese translations of texts relevant to the fields of Architecture, Urbanism and the like. Translations must be performed by competent translators and must have the publication authorization from the authors and the publisher where the work was originally published. The evaluation will be carried out by the journal's editorial board considering the importance of the text, its academic and scientific relevance and the quality of the translation.


Transcripts of unpublished interviews with researchers and thinkers of relevance to the area of Architecture and Urbanism and related areas. The interviewee must sign a publication authorization term to be made available by the editors after the publication of the interview is approved.

The interviews will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee of the Journal.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.