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Cuba National Fine Arts Museum

particularities about the history and composition of its collections




Cuba National Fine Arts Museum (MNBA), artistic collections, Fine Arts, contemporary art, cultural heritage


The Cuba National Fine Arts Museum (MNBA) emerges as an unparalleled institution worldwide, boasting the most extensive and valuable collection of Cuban art in the world. It also stands out for presenting a remarkable set of ancient art, including Greek vases and European collections, establishing its prominence in the Latin American and Caribbean art scene. The general objective of this research was to analyze the particularities regarding the history and composition of the MNBA's collections. The method used was individual interviews, as well as technical visits. The Museum's commitment to inclusivity extends to contemporary art, presenting a diverse range of traditional paintings to conceptual and avant-garde pieces, emphasizing the complexity of artistic expression across historical periods. The competent management of its collections in a developing region underlines its unique position in the global museological panorama, contributing to its continuous evolution.

Author Biographies

  • Beatriz Tarré Alonso, Federal University of Santa Catarina

    Master in Library and Information Science from the Faculty of Communication at the University of Havana (2018). Graduated in Information Sciences from the Faculty of Communication at the University of Havana (2015). Librarian and Record Management specialist at the Cuba National Fine Arts Museum (MNBA) for 6 years (September 2015 until February 2022). Carolina Foundation Scholarship - Research Stay at the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB), at the Faculty of Translation and Documentation at the University of Salamanca in Spain (March-May 2021). Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Travel Award (March 2023). Member of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) and the Cuban Society of Information Sciences (SOCICT) (since 2019). Collaborator on the organization and jury service team at the Havana International Film Festival, from December 2018 to December 2021. She is currently a scholarship holder of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and linked to the Postgraduate Program in Information Sciences (PGCin) at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) (since March 2022). Member of the Knowledge Representation and Organization (ROC) research group at UFSC (since March 2022). Member of the editorial team of Encontros Bibli magazine (since June 2022). She has experience in the Information Science area, working mainly on the following topics: Museology, Information Representation, Document Management, Cultural Heritage and Art.

  • Renata Cardozo Padilha, Federal University of Santa Catarina

    PhD in Information Science from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2018). Master in Information Science from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2014). Graduated in Museology from the Federal University of Pelotas (2011). She is an Adjunct Professor of the Undergraduate Course in Museology at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. She has experience in the areas of Museology and Information Science, working mainly on the following topics: museum documentation, collection management, systematization and availability of collections, digital reproduction, expography, virtual exhibition, museum communication, photographic collection, digital collections and memory. She is currently a member of the Knowledge Representation and Organization (ROC) research group.


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How to Cite

Cuba National Fine Arts Museum: particularities about the history and composition of its collections. (2024). Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 13(25), 154-172.