O Museu de Ciências Nucleares como um espaço interativo para desmistificação das ciências nucleares





Museums of science and technology, Competencies and abilities, Radioactivity, Meaningful learning


This paper presents the educational potential of the Nuclear Science Museum (NSM) located at the Federal University of Pernambuco, the first museum about Nuclear Sciences in Latin America and the only one in Brazil fully dedicated to radioactivity and its beneficial applications. Its also presents a study about the your role as a facilitating space for new knowledge construction as well as the development of integrated competences and skills for students in Elementary. In this sense, the NSM provides an interactive and meaningful learning of nuclear science, articulating scientific information to social reality, playing an important role in the knowledge reconstruction process, demystifying unfounded prejudices and fears, and promoting a critical thinking about radioactivity. In addition, the visit to the NSM provides the reconstructive questioning about risks and benefits of radioactivity, which allows the students to make ethical and citizen decisions, with a wider perception founded on scientifically based information.


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How to Cite

O Museu de Ciências Nucleares como um espaço interativo para desmistificação das ciências nucleares. (2022). Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 11(22), 242-253. https://doi.org/10.26512/museologia.v11i22.39953