Visualização de Informação como Ferramenta de Apoio à  Curadoria de Dados em Coleções Biológicas


  • Asla Medeiros e Sá FGV/EMAp
  • Franklin Oliveira
  • Cristiana Silveira Serejo



Visualização de Informação; Coleções científicas; Coleções biológicas; Qualidade de registros; Representação visual de dados.


Biodiversity scientific collections are committed to being a permanent record of natural heritage, being managed by institutions, such as museums, herbariums, which are faithful custodians of collections. Biodiversity collections consist of specimens collected in the work field, plus information related to their collection site, such as geographic coordinates, date of collection and collector, and are given a registration number, which allows it to be incorporated into the collection. Ensuring the quality of this information is a complex and fundamentally important task. The present work proposes to apply principles and techniques of information visualization to the context of the databases of biodiversity scientific collections, by providing a set of visual representations whose primary purpose is to facilitate the verification of the quality of the records by an expert. Such techniques can be used a posteriori for the purpose of displaying and disseminating the collection data.


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Dossiê Acervos Museológicos em Ambiente Digital

How to Cite

Visualização de Informação como Ferramenta de Apoio à  Curadoria de Dados em Coleções Biológicas . (2021). Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 10(Especial), 158-181.