Uso da realidade aumentada em exposições museológicas

algumas considerações




exhibition; augmented reality; exhibition design; museum;


The article discusses the implantation of augmented reality in museum exhibitions and discusses the best practices for its application. It starts from the labyrinthine conceptualization of the term virtual, as basis for working with the concept of augmented reality; and discusses how the materiality of the exhibition and its own language are related to virtual and digital technologies. Considering Lúcia Santaella's theory of the contemplative reader, it draws a parallel between reading the book and reading the exhibition. Based on these elements, the article approaches recent applications of AR in museums and comments on how this technology can be used to add value to the exhibition without, however, alienating the visitor from his/her surroundings.

Author Biographies

  • Alessandra de Oliveira Marçal, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO

    Turismóloga, mestre em Museologia e Patrimônio pelo PPG-PMUS UNIRIO/MAST

  • Teresa Scheiner, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

    Prof. Dr. Teresa Cristina Scheiner. Museóloga, Geógrafa, Mestre e Doutora em Comunicação. Coordenadora, Doutorado em Museologia e Patrimônio - PPG-PMUS, UNIRIO/MAST.



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Museus, Museologia, Comunicação, Recepção

How to Cite

Uso da realidade aumentada em exposições museológicas: algumas considerações. (2020). Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 9(Especial), 132-143.