A Mediação Cultural e os Públicos

Museu de Aveiro / Santa Joana


  • Maria da Luz Nolasco Cardoso Museu de Aveiro / Santa Joana




Cultural Mediator, Volunteering, Educational Services, Inclusive visit, Publics


The purpose of this paper is to present the mediator's role at the Museu de Aveiro, describing his role as an intermediary communicator among the various kinds of publics that seek the museum as a place of enjoyment and of acting through culture and art, revealing the patrimonial and artistic valorization of the museum. The objectives are to notice the contribution of this participation in the non-formal educational practices, as well as with the playful ones, constructing a critical thinking about the actions created in the ambit of volunteering. The methodologies for the integration and participation of these mediators in the programming of the museum services, are based on the promotion of accompanied study / investigation of the collections, so that they can stimulate new shares, ideas, visions and perspectives. In these practices, the awareness of the museum as open to civil society participation, trust and respect for human rights in a transversal and democratic way, are essential.


Key words: Cultural Mediator, Volunteering, Educational Services, Inclusive visit, Publics


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How to Cite

A Mediação Cultural e os Públicos: Museu de Aveiro / Santa Joana. (2021). Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 10(19), 602-615. https://doi.org/10.26512/museologia.v10i19.29919