Museus fazem bem à saúde?

uma tese sobre museu e saúde na sociedade do século XXI




Health. Museum dialogue. Cultural heritage. Memory. Museum.


The article intends to demonstrate, through research results on the necessary relations between memory, museums, cultural heritage and health of individuals, that the adequate and constant use of cultural assets of a given society can promote cultural and integral health in citizens and in cities. To demonstrate this, the reference authors that support the research and corroborate for the confirmation of the issues raised were explained, as well as remarkable experiences were reported between cultural heritage, museums and the public that give basis to the assumptions that led to the formulation of the title Museums do good for health? The author, professor of Museology and History, has been dedicating her time to researching this topic that seems fundamental to the field of Museology, since 2008, mainly during the years of intervention with sensitive perception at the Museum of Images of the Unconscious, in Rio de Janeiro and at Hospital Santa Isabel, unit of Santa Casa de Misericórdia da Bahia.



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Entrevista em site da Internet

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Dossiê Museus e Museologia: aportes teóricos na contemporaneidade

How to Cite

Museus fazem bem à saúde? : uma tese sobre museu e saúde na sociedade do século XXI. (2020). Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 9(17), 147-157.