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David Bowie is

a pop icon in the trajectory of the itinerant exposition from Victoria and Albert museum


  • Mariana Bento Beneti Unisinos
  • Márcia Eliane Rosa Puc Campinas



David Bowie Is, Itinerant Exposition, Contemporary museums, Victoria and Albert Museum


This article proposes to reflect on the models of itinerant expositions in contemporary museums from the study of the David Bowie is exhibition, originally elaborated by the Victoria and Albert Museum (England). The exhibition of more than 300 objects from the artist, including instruments, photographs, original manuscripts of lyrics and 47 costumes, circulated in 11 countries and received close to 2 million visitors worldwide. This work describes the ethnographic and market context aspects specifically in two studied expositions: one in São Paulo, at the beginning of the intinerance, in 2014, received by the MIS (Museum of Image and Sound) and other in Barcelona, in 2018, after death of David Bowie (January of 2016), when the exhibition was in the museum Of Disseny.


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How to Cite

David Bowie is: a pop icon in the trajectory of the itinerant exposition from Victoria and Albert museum . (2020). Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 9(18), 372-385.