Arte e história

paradoxos renitentes


  • Luiz Cláudio da Costa Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



Arte e arquivo, Arte e história, Arte e documento, Arte e tempo, Arte contemporânea


Informed by the contradiction between document and art already in force within conceptualist practices, archive art that appeared around the 90s are not guided by restrictive
alternatives, but by persistent paradoxes that contain both what is art and what is not. The contradictory reciprocity between document and art structure the work of Fernando Bryce. Christian Boltanski’s student in the 80s, the Peruvian artist analyzes the power relations in history since photography began to be used in the press. Bringing together independent series, Americas covers the history of the region in the context of the Cold War and the OAS


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Dossiê - Museus de Arte: exposição, informação e história (s)

How to Cite

Arte e história: paradoxos renitentes. (2016). Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 5(10), 145-156.