O auge das reconstruções de expografias e de museografias históricas após a crise do cubo branco moderno


  • Jesús-Pedro Lorente Universidade de Zaragoza




Exhibitions, Expography, Institutional Narrativas


The arte historian text J-P. Lorente explores the history of art exhibitions and its revivals, a methodological approach that relates the History of Arte and Museology. On research contucted in European and American scenarios, the author presents a critical view of re-exhibitions whose artificiality favors, in many cases, the museographic aspects and neglects the works. The question posed, the author claims for re-exhibitions of past a critical reflection on their museographies, giving the public see different ways to display their collections. This is not about to use the pas to assume the progess made by an institution in match between “before” and “after”. On the contraty, it is emphasizes in the post-white cube period, the coexistence of critival conservation of historical exhibition and, simultaneously, museographic contemporary innovation, greater plurality in museum presentations.


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Dossiê - Museus de Arte: exposição, informação e história (s)

How to Cite

O auge das reconstruções de expografias e de museografias históricas após a crise do cubo branco moderno. (2016). Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 5(10), 34-42. https://doi.org/10.26512/museologia.v5i10.17723