Coleções biológicas do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro à luz das metas da GSPC/CDB: onde estamos em 2020?


  • Rafaela Forzza
  • Anibal Carvalho Jr.
  • Antonio Carlos S. Andrade
  • Luciana Franco
  • Luis Alexandre Estevão
  • Viviane S. Fonseca-Kruel
  • Marcus A. Nadruz Coelho
  • Neuza Tamaio
  • Daniela Zappi



Biodiversity Documentation, Conservation of the Flora, Curation Systems, Taxonomic Information


The biologic collections housed at the Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro (JBRJ) go beyond herbarium exsiccatae and the arboretum, comprising also a wood-collection, carpological collection, greenhouse collection, seed and DNA baks, fungal culture and ethnobotany collections. Together the different collections add up to 665 thousand specimens, contributing substantially towards the neotropical flora knowledge. From the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st, the paradigm regarding conservation and rational use of the world’s biodiversity changed, and the biological collections and their data moved from a marginal position to occupy a central role in the discussion that quantifies, qualifies, maps and studies the potential of use of biodiversity. Within this new scene, botanical gardens
and their collections are totally inserted in accomplishing the tasks regarding the biodiversity targets proposed by the CBD/GSPC. In this article we map the targets that involve directly the collections of the JBRJ and analyse the contributions and limitations of our holdings in supporting the country to reach the targets of the GSPC 2020.





Dossiê: Coleções em Jardins Botânicos e Museus

How to Cite

Coleções biológicas do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro à luz das metas da GSPC/CDB: onde estamos em 2020?. (2017). Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 5(9), 135-159.