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- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
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Política padrão de seção
Dossiê Perspectivas de Documentação Museológica: Competências, Formações, Experi
Open Call for Papers
The Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade journal opens a public call to the thematic dossier, Perspectives on Museum Documentation: Competencies, Training, Experiences, and Discussions, to be published in July 2022. The dossier is organized by professors Anna Paula da Silva (UFBA), Elizabete de Castro Mendonça (UNIRIO), and Luciana Messeder Ballardo (UFBA)
All essays follow the double-anonymous peer review process.
Proposals will be submitted from September 2021 to February 2022.
For more information about the publication rules, please click here:
Perspectives on Museum Documentation: Competencies, Training, Experiences, and Discussions
The museum documentation is understood as a part of the operational chain of museology, which involves policies, processes and procedures whose aim is the preservation and safeguarding of material and immaterial cultural references. The criteria of documentation cover the specificities of the cultural references and the institutions, the knowledge of the professionals, whether in the technical field, in the creation and the maintenance of protocols and instruments, as well as in the research carried out by them to promote the access, the preservation and the communication of cultural heritage.
It is known that there is agreement and disagreement in the approaches that deal with museum documentation, particularly as regards the nomenclature of the area, the practices, and the training of professionals. In this sense, the proposal of this dossier aims to present discussions about: (a) the teaching of museum documentation in undergraduate and graduate Museology courses in Brazil and abroad through sharing experiences, methodologies, instruments, theoretical and practical references, evaluation, in order to understand the theme in teaching, research, academic extension and in the performance of teachers and researchers; (b) museum documentation in the professional performance of Museology, as well as in other áreas, in order to discuss different approaches of documentation in the institutions and the practice of these professionals; (c) the skills required by a changing labor market.
Thus, the following axes are suggested:
(1) Museum documentation in the teaching of Museology at undergraduate and graduate levels: theoretical and practical approaches on notions, concepts, references, methodologies of documentation in Brazilian courses and abroad, in order to present specificities of different contexts.
(2) Museum documentation and national and international experiences: experiences and cases about the implementation of document management and heritage management from the documentation in institutions and networks from Brazil and abroad.
(3) Musealization and museum documentation: the role of museum documentation in the musealization processes of cultural heritage.
(4) Interdisciplinarity in museum documentation: similar and distinct approaches, intersections of documentation in Museology, and in different areas of knowledge.
(5) Museum documentation and the professional performance: theories and practices of museum documentation, the challenges in professional performance, and the skills required by the changing labor market.
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