Metodologia de Incubação de Empreendimentos Econômicos Solidários
Uma experiência pública
Solidary Economy; Municipal Public ManagementAbstract
Mobilized by the conviction that systematization and memory are the greatest legacies to be left in the public sphere, the authors, without claiming to exhaust the subject nor could they do so, decided to register by a report of the experience and bibliographic and documentary research, the process of formulation, elaboration and implementation of the methodological strategy adopted by the Public Incubator of Solidarity Popular Enterprises (IPEPS in Portuguese), in the municipality of Osasco. And in this particularly, they emphasize the importance of continuous formation for the work teams and the maintenance of a board of Effective Incubation Technicians, the Monitoring and Evaluation tools of the actions, enabling the guarantee and the perenniality of the Solidarity Economy policy at the municipal level.
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