Formação de Educadores de EJA em Economia Solidária
Uma experiência em Mato Grosso
EJA, Solidary Economy; Self-management; Educator TrainingAbstract
This article presents the brief report about a training experience for educators working in Youth and Adult Education in the State of Mato Grosso and Municipal Teaching
Networks of the capital, Cuiabá, whose authors participated as teachers of the specialization course “EJA and Solidary Economy “, funded by the Ministry of Education and conducted by the Federal University of Mato Grosso. The report of this training covers the last 15 years of the Modality in Mato Grosso, starting with the experience of the Community and Popular University - UPC, recognized as a management experience in “formal education”, radically democratic. This characteristic later promoted the meeting of the EJA with the Solidarity Economy, considering the proximity between the two, as self-management, a fundamental principle of the Solidarity Economy, makes possible the emancipation of the human being, the greater objective expected of education, in particular Of the EJA. The report goes through the policies of Youth and Adult Education - EJA in the State, dealing with characteristics of this population, problems related to this type of teaching, suggesting pedagogical practices capable of overcoming the main difficulties and ends with the Specialization Course on EJA and Economics Solidary. As well as the difficulties, victories and results obtained in these processes. Being a brief text is not intended to exhaust the theme or even the experiences, but to serve as a provocation to other similar initiatives.
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