Institucionalização e Instrumentos da Política de Economia Solidária
Reflexões à luz da experiência da Bahia
Solidarity economy; Public policy of solidarity economy; Cooperativism.Abstract
This experience report addresses the public policy of solidarity economy developed by the government of Bahia since 2007 through the Superintendência de Economia Solidária da Secretaria do Trabalho, Emprego, Renda e Esporte (Superintendency of Solidary Economy of the Secretariat of Labor, Employment, Income and Sport). It is an innovative initiative that responds to a demand of the movement of Solidarity Economy of Bahia, and that has benefited thousands of workers. This public intervention focuses on the following elements: structuring and institutionalizing the policy, with the creation of specific legal frameworks; Constitution of economic rights related to access to credit and solidarity finance; Creation of a structure of public technical and credit assistance services in physical spaces with broad access to social-economy organisations, and direct service these organizations. The course of the text begins with a brief contextualization of the emergence of the state policy of solidarity economy, next, it addresses its institutional organization and structuring guidelines, and finally the learning, limits and challenges, as well as some reflections on the Solidarity economy policy as a policy of social inclusion or development.
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