A experiência da Cooperativa de Trabalhadores Cegos (COOPERTRAC)
Pessoas com deficiência visual no Estado da Bahia organizam-se para gerar trabalho e renda
Deficiência visual; Mercado de trabalho; COOPERTRACAbstract
The movement culminated in the Organization and COOPERTRAC Foundation began in January 1999 from a meeting of five visually deficiency people. The COOPERTRAC is a popular and solidary development, whose fundamental principle is democratic, that is, the broad participation in decision-making. The aim of this paper is to present an experience report describing the history of this institution, from the mobilization, foundation, conquests and the group dispersion process. Prior to the report itself, based on our experience and supported by some theorists, a brief analysis is performed on a reflective perspective on the integration of people with disabilities in the labor market, establishing relations with the contemporary social context and reality experienced by these people in the state of Bahia, specifically those with visual impairment (blindness or low vision). The final considerations are written in a positive attitude, hopeful, but conscious and with the conviction that it is still possible to conceive of COORPERTRAC as an alternative to generate employment and income for blind people in the state of Bahia, as is clearly seen in the speeches of all those who also have experienced that COOPERTRAC is a dream still “alive”.
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