
  • Albert Tallapessy Macquarie University - Sydney


Mots-clés :

metafunction; classification; framing; zone of proximal development.


This paper discusses pedagogic discourse in dalang (shadow play puppeteer) training. Systemic Functional Linguistics will be used as a tool for analysis. The concept of metafunctions will be employed to view realisations from each level of abstraction. Modelling, which is a critical issue in pedagogic discourse will be explored to know how a teacher uses “critical abstraction” ”“ semiotic guidance in developing a skill. Classification and framing and notion of zone of proximal development will also be discussed on the discourse production.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

  • Albert Tallapessy, Macquarie University - Sydney

    The author is a lecturer at the English Department, the Faculty of Letters, Jember University, Indonesia. Currently he is a PhD student at the Linguistics Department, the Faculty of Human Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney-Australia. His research interest is on stylistics. His PhD project is on Javanese Shadow Play. He uses Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) as a tool to explore how this tradition is transferred from the guru (teacher) to the student.


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Comment citer

MODELLING CONTEXT: A CASE OF DALANG TRAINING. (2011). Cadernos De Linguagem E Sociedade, 11(2), 141-163.