Street protests; Qualitative Analysis; New forms of PoliticsAbstract
Interpretations of protests that emerged in 2013 in the streets of major Brazilian cities will gradually confirming the heterogeneity of desires and tendencies in claims for change. On the one hand, there was widespread outrage quickly against politicians and the political system, and emphatic denunciations of the precariousness of public services. On the other, only with the passage of time will be featuring that senses and conservative political orientations, at worst, reactionary , also shared the slogans and banners from the streets. This article brings together research notes made in 2012 , 2013 and 2014 , with the technique of focus groups in three cities in the midwest of the country that highlight the similarities in the speeches of protests with the arguments of the respondents . Thereafter, highlights some content related to demands for a new form of politics.
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