(Narratives of displacement told by young students in an international exchange program: identity construction on the “borders” of small cities in Minas Gerais
Narratives of displacement; identity construction in cultural in-betweenness; international exchange students; cultural stereotypes; established and outsiders; interview in sociolinguistic researchAbstract
This study focuses on narratives of displacement told by young students who come from different nationalities to join an international exchange program in the secondary school in small and mediumsized cities in Minas Gerais. The objectives aim at demonstrating: i) the nature of co-constructed narratives, with collective and individual experience in tellings and retellings of displacement processes; ii) “self” and “other” identity constructions. The theoretical approach articulates narratives of displacement vis-Ã -vis big and small stories and labovian narratives. The research is qualitative, interpretive, with ethnomethodological interview, conducted individually and in group. Cultural issues are treated as cultural differences and in-betweenness concerning the culture of origin and the culture of “others”. Students construct identities as established members in their own culture and as outsiders in Brazil, bringing up negative stereotypes. Throughout the exchange program, they reflect and resignify their beliefs.
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