Admirável Chip Novo under the lens of Dialogism and Actor-Network Theory

a cyborg manifesto




dialogism, Actor-Network, Posthumanism


The objective was to conduct an analysis through Latour's Actor-Network Theory and Bakhtinian dialogism to reveal dialogical relationships arising from the confrontation between the song Admirável Chip Novo and the asymmetry of modernity. For this purpose, a qualitative interpretative methodology was adopted. This exercise demonstrated an important dialogue with the theoretical assumptions of post-humanism. In the analytical considerations, it was observed that the song, through a perspective that framed modernity as a myth, revealed that the human being has always been hybrid and that this characteristic is consolidated as a facet of the constitution of being. Thus, it was concluded that technology is as ecological as language and that the future of scientific thought may lie in a symmetrical ontological perspective of society and the subjects/actors that constitute it


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Author Biography

  • Renan Monezi Lemes, Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso




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How to Cite

Admirável Chip Novo under the lens of Dialogism and Actor-Network Theory: a cyborg manifesto. (2024). Papers of Language and Society, 25(2), 69-87.