Modern medicine, discursive practices and subjectivation




biopower, performance, narrative, psychopolitics, suffering, subjectivation


The production of speeches in a society is historically controlled. Based on medical knowledge, scientific rationality remains current for us to think about excluding the suffering of those who fall ill. This article articulates the complexity between power, knowledge and subjectivity in medical practice, based on the production of institutionalized clinical discourse. It is also intended to shed light on the debate on how the concepts of biopower (Michel Foucault) and psychopolitics (Byung Chul-Han) help us understand the current crisis of narrative, in the face of the neoliberal model that marginalizes subjective experience in the name of an alleged individual freedom of performance, culminating in psychological illness.

Keywords: biopower, performance, narrative, psychopolitics, suffering, subjectivation.


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Author Biography

  • Juliana Guerra, Faculdade Pernambucana de Saúde (FPS)




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How to Cite

Modern medicine, discursive practices and subjectivation. (2024). Papers of Language and Society, 25(2), 108-123.