Literacy Discourses and Maternal Identities in the Context of Special Education


  • Lissa Mara Saraiva Fontenele Colégio Militar de Fortaleza



Specialized Educational Assistance (AEE), Ethnographic-discursive research, Literacy Practices


In this article, I present an excerpt from my ethnographic-discursive research based on Magalhães, Martins and Resende, (2017), where I analyze as texts the transcribed interviews with mothers of boys attended at a Specialized Educational Assistance Center (AEE). The Ideological Model of Literacy (STREET, 1984) adopted here made it possible to perceive how the mothers' speeches about literacy were building their identities. The qualitative-ethnographic research method used was Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) (FAIRCLOUGH, 2003). A speech that stood out in their statements was the conception of the regular school as a standardizing institution and so segregating for their children.



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Author Biography

  • Lissa Mara Saraiva Fontenele, Colégio Militar de Fortaleza

    Prof. Dr. Lissa Mara Saraiva Fontenele. Email: Master in Applied Linguistics from the State University of Ceará (UECE), 2005. PhD in Linguistics from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), 2014. Teacher of Basic, Technical and Technological Education (EBTT) of the Military School of Fortaleza (CMF).


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How to Cite

Literacy Discourses and Maternal Identities in the Context of Special Education. (2023). Papers of Language and Society, 24(1), 312-328.