The use of LGBTQIA+ slang and expressions by cis-heterosexual women
Queer Linguistics, Pajubá dialect., LGBTQIA , Language variationAbstract
Much of the Queer Linguistics research focuses on how members of the LGBTQIA+ community use language(s) and excludes people who identify as cisgender-heterosexual. Therefore, this study analyzes the sociolinguistic factors that influence the use of Pajubá, also known as the Brazilian LGBTQIA+ dialect, according to speakers who identify as female, cisgender, and heterosexual. Data comes from an online Qualtrics questionnaire completed by 387 cis-het women about their attitudes and use of Pajubá. Results show that these participants use Pajubá slang and expressions, although they are not always aware that they stem from a queer LGBTQIA+ community.
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