Signs of the Pandemic: Multimodality, Social Semiotics and Communication inspired by Gunther Kress’ thoughts

multimodalidade, semiótica social e comunicação a partir do pensamento de Gunther Kress


  • Clarice Gualberto UFMG
  • Sônia Pimenta Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais



Social Semiotics, Gunther Kress, Multimodality, Pandemic


In this article, we reflect on some impacts of the pandemic on interactions and communication drawing from Gunther Kress' multimodal and sociosemiotic thinking. To do so, we relate examples with fundamental concepts of Social Semiotics, such as identity, power, motivated sign and interest. In addition, we propose a small tribute to this author who greatly influenced us. We trace a brief history of his academic career in which we highlight some of his main publications and discuss concepts and ideas developed by him throughout his career.

Keywords: Social Semiotics. Gunther Kress. Multimodality. Pandemic.



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Dossiê Estudos em Semiótica Social na América Latina

How to Cite

Signs of the Pandemic: Multimodality, Social Semiotics and Communication inspired by Gunther Kress’ thoughts: multimodalidade, semiótica social e comunicação a partir do pensamento de Gunther Kress. (2021). Papers of Language and Society, 22(1).