A Focus on Kress studies: visual grammar, meaning making and design

gramática visual, construção de sentidos e design


  • Walkyria Monte Mor Universidade de São Paulo




Visual literacy, Critical literacies, Visual grammar, Meaning making, Design


In this text, I focus on works with images, resorting to academic research and theoretical studies related to visual literacies, which were then introduced in some of the subjects of the Language and Culture courses at universities in which I have had / have the opportunity to develop research. To this end, I highlight (1) research on images within the literacies area, prioritizing (2) the studies carried out by Gunter Kress, as a tribute to this author and his legacy, in this publication dedicated to him.



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Dossiê Estudos em Semiótica Social na América Latina

How to Cite

A Focus on Kress studies: visual grammar, meaning making and design: gramática visual, construção de sentidos e design. (2021). Papers of Language and Society, 22(1), 300-320. https://doi.org/10.26512/les.v22i1.37249