American/Un-American: representation as ideological dispute between competing discourses

representação como disputa ideológica entre discursos concorrentes


  • Rebeca Camarotto Universidade de São Paulo
  • Luciana Carvalho Fonseca Universidade de São Paulo


Hollywood, Antiamericanism, Ideology, Critical Discourse Analysis


In 1947, ten Hollywood screenwriters refused to cooperate with a House committee which was investigating alleged soviet propaganda inserted in films. We analysed how the political opposition between the committee members and the ten witnesses is articulated within the discourse. To this end, we selected some excerpts from J. Parnell Thomas’ speech and Albert Maltz’s testimony in which each discourse opertionalise their underlying ideology, according to categories described by Thompson (1990) and Fairclough (2003). We have found that there is a hegemonic dispute around the meaning of the terms “American” and “Un-American” between two modes of representation of the American nation, which remains until today


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How to Cite

American/Un-American: representation as ideological dispute between competing discourses: representação como disputa ideológica entre discursos concorrentes. (2021). Papers of Language and Society, 22(1), 245-264.