Discourse on translation in Spanish newspapers (2013-2017): translation as news


  • Silvia --- Montero Küpper Universidade de Vigo




Translation, Visibility of translation, Image of translation, Translational discourse, Spanish news media, Fourth estate


Using a descriptive-qualitative methodology, this paper studies how translation is presented as news in a national (El País) and a regional (La Voz de Galicia) newspaper. It aims at identifying and analysing the general discourse on translation, its visibility and valuation. The corpus comprises a period of five years (2013-2017), and is composed by articles which headlines register the word ‘translation’. Although the discourse on translation is mainly positive, especially when it refers to editorial translation, it was found that a journalistic translation discourse in the analysed media is practically lacking.


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How to Cite

Discourse on translation in Spanish newspapers (2013-2017): translation as news. (2019). Papers of Language and Society, 20(2), 132-150. https://doi.org/10.26512/les.v20i2.26546