What is ecolinguistics, after all?


  • Hildo Honório do Couto Universidade de Brasília




Ecoliguistics. Ecosystem linguistics. Communicative interaction.Communion.


The main purpose of this article is to give an overview of what is done at the University of Brasília in terms of ecolinguistics. After refuting some misunderstandings related to it, the papers presented during the I Brazilian Meeting of Ecolinguistics (I EBE) are briefly presented. This is followed by a presentation of the main areas of investigation in the domain of ecolinguistics, showing that there are several ones. Then we have an extensive presentation of ‘ecosystemic linguistics’, the specific type of ecolinguistics practiced by the members of the Brasília School of Ecolinguistics. It does not apply ecological concepts to language phenomena as metaphors. On the contrary, it sees its object of study as a part of general ecology, i.e., ecological linguistics, or ecolinguistics for short. The ‘ecology of communicactive interaction’ is an important component of this view. It is the nucleus of language, from which everything emerges. It also includes ‘communion’, first suggested by Malinowski as ‘phatic communion’. In order for there to be a smooth process of ‘communicative interaction’ there must be a local ‘microcommunion’, whereas for there to be a ‘system’ there must first be a ‘system communion’. Last but not least, it is shown that ecolinguistics is not simply a new theory in the market, but a new way of looking at language, a holistic one. Keeping it in mind, it is possible to investigate any kind of language phenomena, including ‘systemic’ ones.


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Author Biography

  • Hildo Honório do Couto, Universidade de Brasília

    Mestre pela USP (1973), Doutor pela Universidade de Colônia Alemanha(1978), Professor Titular Aposendado da UnB, onde ainda ministra aulas na Pós-Graduação e orienta dissertações de mestrado e teses de doutorado. Principais áreas de atuação: Fonologia, Contato de Línguas, Ecolinguística.


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How to Cite

What is ecolinguistics, after all?. (2013). Papers of Language and Society, 14(1), 275-312. https://doi.org/10.26512/les.v14i1.22250