The representation of the crime of racism in the speech of the Bahia newspaper Correio


  • Daniele Oliveira Universidade Federal da Bahia



Social Actor, Online Media Speech, Intertextuality, Racism


How is the crime of racism reconfigured in the online media? To answer this question, I analyzed 54 news headlines on the crime of racism published in the Bahia newspaper Correio in the year of 2016, under the bias of Critical Discourse Analysis. The analytical categories used were the intertextuality and the representation of social actors who showed how a crime can become a spectacle when the newspaper aims to seduce rather than inform its reader. It is the concretization of the society of the spectacle advocated by Guy Debord in 1962.


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Author Biography

  • Daniele Oliveira, Universidade Federal da Bahia

    Instituto de Letras da UFBA

    Departamento de Letras Vernáculas

    Professora do Mestrado Profissional em Letras - ProfLetras

    Professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Língua e Cultura - PPGLINC.


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How to Cite

The representation of the crime of racism in the speech of the Bahia newspaper Correio. (2018). Papers of Language and Society, 19(2), 79-94.