On modal concord in Portuguese


  • Marcus Vinicius Lunguinho Universidade de São Paulo




concordância modal; modalidade; quantificação; verbos auxiliares modais.


In this paper I discuss modal concord in Portuguese. This phenomenon, initially described by Halliday (1970), is characterized by the syntactic presence of two modal elements which are interpreted as if there was just one of them. Based on Kratzer’s (1981, 1991) theory of Modality, I analyze Portuguese data and point out, in accordance with the literature (Geurts & Huitink 2006, Zeijlstra 2007 e Huitink 2009), that modal concord obeys
two constraints: a) one of the modal elements must be a modal auxiliary verb, and b) the modal elements must share the same modal force and type of modality.


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Author Biography

  • Marcus Vinicius Lunguinho, Universidade de São Paulo

    Doutorando (Bolsa de Doutorado Sanduíche: PDEE 2369/09-5) e da FAPESP (Bolsa de Doutorado no País: BP.DR2 2007-58451-7).


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How to Cite

On modal concord in Portuguese. (2011). Papers of Language and Society, 11(2), 117-140. https://doi.org/10.26512/les.v11i2.10474