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Author Guidelines

Papers submitted

The singularity of the Journal of Language and Society lies in its acceptance exclusively of texts that are unpublished both in Brazil and abroad, thus distinguishing it from other journals in the same subfield concerning editorial policy. Another requirement that differentiates L&S from its peers is the explicit principle of publishing texts that critically discuss the relationship between language and social practices and refrain from using sexist language or any kind of prejudiced discrimination, according to the norms of the journal. The characteristics of L&S that guarantee this configuration, while ensuring its position in comparison with other journals in the field of research, can be found in the journal’s editorial norms.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify compliance of the article with respect to all items listed below. Submissions that do not conform to the established standards will be returned to the authors.

  • The contribution must be original and unpublished, and cannot be simultaneously evaluated to be published by any other journal. If so, it should be justified in the section “Comments to the Editor”.
  • The submission file must be formatted in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF.
  • Referral links/URLs must be reported when necessary.
  • The text must follow the style guides and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, viewed on the About link.
  • The authorship of the work must be removed from the file that is undergoing evaluation and from the Properties option in Word, thus ensuring the anonymity criterion, if submitted for peer review (for instance, articles), according to instructions available in Guarantee of Blind Peer Review.

Publication Guidelines for the Journal of Language and Society (L&S)

    1. Texts submitted for publication (research articles, essays and reviews) should be sent in standard Word for Windows format, in font Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 spaced, with up to 20 pages, or up to 1,500 words in the case of summaries. This amount includes footnotes (Times New Roman, size 10) and bibliographic references. If there are graphics and attachments, the whole material shall not exceed 20 pages in the case of articles, essays and retrospectives. Quotes that exceed three lines must be written in font size 11, highlighted from the text with a 4cm indentation. Language must be clear and accessible and authors must avoid using incomprehensible jargon. Texts that detecting sexist language or any type of prejudiced expression will not be accepted.
    2. L&S encourages collaborators from every country to submit their unpublished research papers, which will be evaluated anonymously by two members of the Editorial and Advisory Board and, in case of disagreement, by a third ad hoc third-party reviewer. Papers submitted for publication may be written in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French, in the form of an article, essay and/or retrospective (state of the art), as well as a critical review. Articles and essays should be preceded by a title and abstract in Portuguese, English and Spanish, written in approximately 100 words, followed respectively by up to 6 key words in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
    3. Papers submitted to L & S must be original and up-to-date, which is why they must not have been submitted to another national or international journal for publication. Moreover, L&S shall be granted all copyright privileges regarding the published texts. Master’s students may submit papers only in partnership with authors having a PhD or doctoral degree.   .

    Two copies of the text should be sent electronically through the Seer system belonging to the Library of the University of Brasilia (BCE/UnB). Two copies of the text are sent: one for blind peer review, submitted as the MAIN DOCUMENT. For this reason, the document must be ANONYMOUS. In addition to concealing information about the author in the text, authors should inspect the document and remove any trademark property and personal information that may identify the author. (Follow this link for a tutorial on how to conduct the procedure: : The full version with the authors’ information must be sent as a SUPPLEMENTARY DOCUMENT. In the full version, authors are asked to submit a short résumé, containing an e-mail address in the footnote (4 to 5 lines), on the first page of the text.



    Titles and subtitles must be brief and understandable (we suggest limiting the number of words in the title to 11, in capital letters).

    1. Quotations containing more than three lines must be indented from the left margin. Tables and figures should be named and numbered.
    2. References cited in the text should be presented as follows: (FAIRCLOUGH, 2000, p. 145) or Fairclough (2000, p. 145). Use et al.when quoting more than three authors. Letters a, b, c, etc. should be used when there is more than one publication by the same author in the same year. All references cited in the text should be arranged in alphabetical order and presented at the end of the paper, following the guidelines (NBR 6023:2018) established by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT).


    1. a) Book
      MAGALHÃES, I. Eu e tu: a constituição do sujeito no discurso médico. Brasília: Thesaurus, 2000.
    2. b) Collection
      CALDAS-COULTHARD, C. R. Man in the news. The misrepresentation of women in the news-as-narrative discourse. In: MILLS, S. (Org.) Language and gender. Interdisciplinary perspectives. Harlow: Longman, 1995. p. 226-39.

    3. c) Journal
      MEY, J. L. Speech acts and the law.  Cadernos de Linguagem e Sociedade. Brasília, v. 14, n. 2, p. 11-27, 2013. 

    Authors whose degree is lower than a Master’s can only publish in co-authorship with higher degree professors.

    The submissions shall only be received through

    The applicant must complete his/her registration through the webpage and submit the following information: full name of the author(s), full name of the institutional affiliation, contact address, CV registered under Lattes and ORCID code. Two copies of the text must be sent electronically, solely through the Seer system of the ECB / UnB: the complete original text and another text without the authorial references, which will be sent to referees.


    The interviews submitted for publication should be sent to, in the standard Word for Windows format, in Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 spaced, with right, left and bottom margins of 2 cm and top margins of 3 cm. The entire material cannot exceed 10 pages. This amount includes footnotes (Times New Roman, size 10) and bibliographical references (if any). The text can be sent in Portuguese, English or Spanish. In interviews, DO NOT USE indentations in the first line of each paragraph. Leave blank space between paragraphs. In the first paragraph(s) of the interview, give a brief presentation with information about the person being interviewed.

    Two copies of the text must be sent electronically, only through the BCE/UnB Seer system: one must be sent for blind peer review, to be submitted as the MAIN DOCUMENT and this document must be ANONYMOUS. It should not contain any author information and should be inspected in order to remove any authorial mark and personal information that could identify the author. (See how to perform the procedure: Another complete version with copyright data must be sent as an ADDITIONAL DOCUMENT. In the full version, authors are requested to provide a summarized Curriculum Vitae, with email, in a footnote (4 to 5 lines), on the first page of the text.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not currently being evaluated to be published by any other journal.
  • • The submission file has been formatted in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF.
  • • Referral links/URLs have been reported when necessary.
  • • The text follows the style guides and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, viewed on the About link.
  • • The authorship of the work has been removed from the file that is undergoing evaluation and from the Properties option in Word, thus ensuring the anonymity criterion, if submitted for peer review (for instance, articles), according to instructions available in Guarantee of Blind Peer Review.













Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used solely for the services provided by this publication and are neither available for other purposes nor shared with third parties.