Xakriabá Interpelado: Indianidade, Mistura e Fronteiras da Colonialidade
indigeneity, mixture, coloniality of power, boundaries.Abstract
This article deals with the relation of the PanhÄ© people, best known in the literature by Apinajé, with the school institution from the situation of contact with the non-indigenous population in the north of the state of Tocantins. If analyzes the agency of the teachers PanhÄ© in their strategies of resignificance and in ways of ascribing a new meaning to the school. It seeks to interpret the school as frontier space, and the indigenous teachers, as frontier intellectuals. The frontier is thought not in the dictionary sense, but in its symbolic dimension, as a privileged space of dialogue between the indigenous and non-indigenous worlds, in a logic of the agency in Interculturality.
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