Mimetic desire and the translator’s mission (im)possible
Translation;, mimetic desire;, translator’s task, translation, mimetic desireAbstract
This article posits an association of mimetic desire and translation. Reflecting on our desires we admit - albeit rarely - that we are jealous or we envy those who possess the object of our desire and that, in fact, the latter is not particularly important. In some cases, we might claim that we would derive greater satisfaction or pleasure if the Other did not possess the object and yet, deep inside, we would rather possess it ourselves. This mechanism is commonly used in advertising. If we stop to think, we realize that human beings tend to imitate the Other, the one who possesses the product or object, and who seems to be thoroughly satisfied purchasing it. Based on the assumption that the human beings can fix their desires on objects relating to their needs, anxieties, wants, etc., can the translator perform his/her task driven by the mechanism of desire?
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