Contributions of collaborative education to the teaching of reading to students with specific functional disorders


  • Cristiane Malinoski Pianaro Angelo Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, UNICENTRO
  • Maria Andreia Batista Blum Secretaria do Estado da Educação do Paraná.
  • Elsa Midori Shimazaki State University of Maringá, BR



Reading, Collaborative research, Continuing education, Specific Functional Disorders


This article aims to present and discuss the results of continuing collaborative education focused on teaching reading to students with Specific Functional Disorders (SFD). The research was based on the assumptions of the historical-cultural theory and the methodological orientations of the collaborative research, involving one of the researchers and a 4th-grade primary school teacher from a public school, in which a student with SFD was enrolled. The results showed that the collaborative work with the teacher contributed to the assistance to the student with SFD. The teacher worked through the students' proximal development zone and consolidated it with planned and systematized pedagogical actions. Thus, the research shows the need to challenge the student beyond his real development level with the proposition of situations that trigger the potential development level.

Author Biographies

  • Maria Andreia Batista Blum, Secretaria do Estado da Educação do Paraná.

    Mestre em Letras.

  • Elsa Midori Shimazaki, State University of Maringá, BR

    Doutora em Educação. Docente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Estadual de Maringá.


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How to Cite

Contributions of collaborative education to the teaching of reading to students with specific functional disorders. (2019). Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 18(2), 41-62.

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