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Author Guidelines

Submission Template

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ABNT Standards

1. Citations (NBR-10520, from 2002)

1.1 Direct quote (textual): it means that the author's words are quoted.

1.1.1 Short quotations (up to three lines). Examples:

a) According to Almeida Filho (2005, p. 93), "there are 6 formants of the approach construct that are somehow equated in each teaching / learning case".

b) [In parentheses, the name must be in capital letters.] "there are 6 formants of the approach construct that are somehow equated in each teaching / learning case" (ALMEIDA FILHO, 2005, p. 93).

c) Names of authors outside parentheses: two authors: ... Binon and Verlinde (2000, p. 129); three authors: ... Abaurre, Mayrink-Sabinson and Fiad (2003, p. 302); more than three authors: ... Binon et al. (2008, p. 117)

d) Names of authors in parentheses (semicolons are used): two authors: ... (BINON; VERLINDE, 2000, p. 129); three authors: ... (ABAURRE; MAYRINK-SABINSON; FIAD, 2003, p. 302); more than three authors: ... (BINON et al., 2008, p. 117).

1.1.2 Quotations of more than three lines (indented, in smaller type [11]). The authors' names are placed in parentheses after the citation. See 1.1.1 (b) and (d). Example:

A survey of the investigations carried out on incidental and intentional learning of the lexicon, both in L1 and in L2, seems to indicate that there is a continuum between the two, without a precise border where one begins and the other ends. Incidental learning, by definition, should take place automatically, below the level of consciousness, but it is usually not so. (LEFFA, 2000, p. 33)

1.2 Indirect (free) citation: it means that ideas, opinions or information from the author (s) are reproduced without literally transcribing the text. The same form of presentation as in 1.1. Examples:

a) According to Leffa (2000, p. 33), incidental learning does not normally occur automatically.

b) There is no precise boundary between incidental and intentional learning of the lexicon (LEFFA, 2000, p. 33).

Having found the same ideas, opinions and information in more than one source, the authors should be cited - in parentheses - in alphabetical order, separated by semicolons. Examples: (BLOOME, 1983; WALLACE, 1993). Note that in this case there is a semicolon between both authors of the same text and between authors of different texts (for example: BLACHOWICZ; FISHER, 2002; MCCARTHY, 1990; SCHMITT, 1997). Names can be preceded by "cf.": (cf. BLOOME, 1983; WALLACE, 1993). Citation of several authors outside parentheses; example: According to Blachowicz and Fisher (2002), McCarthy (1990) and Schmitt (1997), ....

1.3 Citation quotation: it means that the original document has not been read, having found a quotation in a read document. The words or expressions "apud", "quoted by", "conform" or "second" can be used, but we prefer "apud". Example:

a) Fishman (1972, apud BORTONI, 1981, p. 56) ...;

b) Weinrich (1966, p. 24, apud SZENDE, 1996, p. 111); [in parentheses] ... (WEINRICH, 1966, p. 24, apud SZENDE, 1996, p. 111).

The bibliographic data of the original document can be indicated in a footnote or in the bibliographic references. If the second solution is chosen, the original text data must be indicated followed by "apud" and the read text data (whose data will be indicated in their place in alphabetical order).

Observation: According to ABNT, the indication of pages in free citations is optional. We request that, as far as possible, both in direct and indirect citations the pages be indicated. This aims to enable the reader to easily find the excerpts cited if he wants to check the original.

2. Bibliographic references (NBR-6023, from 2002)


Authors last names: Last names are considered: simple surname (KOCH); surnames connected by a hyphen (SERRANI-INFANTI); surname + word meaning kinship (ALMEIDA FILHO); noun + adjective (CASTELO BRANCO). In the case of Spanish-speaking authors, the last two surnames are used (unless the author uses only one).

Several authors: two or three: separated by semicolons; more than three: only the first is indicated, followed by "et al.".

Editor (s) / Organizer (s) / Coordinator (s): after the name (s), write "(Ed.).", "(Org.)." or "(Coord.).".

Title: of article or chapter: typed in normal body; book or magazine: typed in italics.

Edition number: indicate the edition of a publication (from the second), using the language of the publication: 3. ed. (Portuguese Spanish); 2nd ed. (English); 2e ed. (French); 2. Aufl. (German); 2nd ed. (Italian).

Place of publication and publisher: Examples:

a) Brasília: Thesaurus

b) (state is indicated when the city name exists in more than one) Campo Grande, MS: Ed. UFMS

c) (with two publishers) Campo Grande, MS: Ed. UFMS; Sao Paulo: Humanitas

Complete Data

Dissertations, theses, monographs

AUTHOR. Title (in italics): subtitle (if any). Presentation year. Number of leaves. Type (eg: Dissertation) (in parentheses: level and area of ”‹”‹concentration; eg: Master in Applied Linguistics) - Faculty Name, University Name, City, Year of defense.


LARSEN-FREEMAN, D. Techniques and principles in language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.

Translated book:

MAINGUENEAU, D. New trends in discourse analysis. Translation by Freda Indursky. 3. ed. São Paulo: Cortez, 1997.

Book chapter:

NUNES, M. B. C. Rediscovering the role of the reading teacher in a foreign language. In: CELANI, Maria A. A. (Org.). Second language teaching: rediscovering origins. São Paulo: EDUC, 1997. p. 107-132.

Chapter in a book organized by the author himself:

CELANI, M. A. A. Teaching foreign languages: looking to the future. In: _____. (Org.). Second language teaching: rediscovering origins. São Paulo: EDUC, 1997. p. 147-161.

Journal article:

DAVIS, J. Reading literature in the foreign language: the comprehension / response connection. The French Review, Vol. 65, n. 3, p. 359-370, 1992.

Online journal article:

CANTERO, F. J. Complexity and communicative competence. Horizontes Magazine of Applied Linguistics, Brasília, v. 7, n. 1, 2008. Available at: Ë‚˃. Accessed 9 nov. 2009.


CERVO, I. Z. S. Translation and language teaching. 2003. 220f. Dissertation (Master in Applied Linguistics) - Institute of Letters, University of Brasília, Brasília, 2003.

Works by the same author are placed in chronological order; surname and first name must be repeated in different entries:

CELANI, M. A. A. After all, what is applied linguistics? In: ______; PASCHOAL, Mara Z. de. (Orgs.). Applied linguistics: from the application of linguistics to transdisciplinary linguistics. São Paulo: EDUC, 1992. p. 15-25.

CELANI, M. A. A. Teaching foreign languages: looking to the future. In: _____. (Org.). Second language teaching: rediscovering origins. São Paulo: EDUC, 1997. p. 147-161.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Tables and Figures (photos, drawings, graphs) are numbered in Arabic numerals, followed by the title, in the sequence in which they appear in the text, and do not exceed the dimensions of the printed page (10x17cm), in the "portrait" orientation. Its source is brought down below.
  • The text is written in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French. (In any of these cases it must contain an abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English. If the work is written in Spanish or French, it begins with an abstract in the respective language.) It is requested that, before being submitted to the journal , the text (including abstracts) in a foreign language, be reviewed by native speakers of the respective language or by competent non-native speakers with high proficiency in the language on screen.
  • The ORCID of all authors is entered in the User Details field, within the section on authors.
  • The author responsible for the submission provides, in the submission metadata fields, all the necessary information from all co-authors (full name with only the last name in the field SURNAME, email, ORCID). Papers whose authorship was wrongly informed at the time of submission (absence of a co-author) will be refused.
  • Direct quotations in a foreign language are translated into the body of the text, the original being presented only in a footnote.
  • Figures (photos, drawings, graphics) are inserted in the text, as well as sent in separate files, in JPG format, with a resolution of 300 dpi.
  • If there are phonetic symbols, these are saved by incorporating "true type" fonts. The source files must be sent as supplementary documents.
  • Book reviews: address topics of interest to this magazine in books published no more than one year before submission of the review; do not exceed 6,000 characters with spaces.
  • Notes are only at the bottom.
  • It does not have bold letters or underlines. Highlights of words or phrases are in italics.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements of the ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) standards, according to the journal.
  • The title is brought in both the same language as the article and in English. If the article is written in English, the title is also brought in Portuguese.
  • The paper deals with one of the subjects mentioned in the journal's Editorial Policies.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.
  • The paper uses the template provided by the Journal. It is in .docx format and contains approximately between 25,000 and 40,000 characters (spaces included).
  • The abstract does not exceed 200 words. Between 3 and 6 keywords are presented in each language. The Summary is organized as follows: Introduction (optional), Objective / Approach, Methodology / Basis of theoretical analysis, Results / Conclusion and Recommendations (optional).
  • The submitted text document (docx) does not contain authorship information.
  • All Brazilian authors or foreign authors working in a Brazilian education and research institution have inserted the links to their lattes curricula in the URL-specific field.


Política padrão de seção

Porposals for special issues organization



Do editor convidado (proponente)

O proponente, nomeado EDITOR CONVIDADO no dossiê temático, deve possuir título de doutor e ter experiência em pesquisa comprovada no tema proposto.

Poderão ser editores convidados pesquisadores doutores vinculados a instituições de ensino e/ou pesquisa do Brasil ou de outros países.

Uma mesma proposta pode incluir até quatro editores convidados, que dividirão as responsabilidades descritas abaixo.

Cada editor convidado poderá contribuir com apenas um artigo para o dossiê, em autoria ou coautoria.


Das responsabilidades do editor convidado

- Redigir e encaminhar a proposta à Comissão Editorial, incluindo toda a documentação necessária

- Redigir a prévia da chamada para trabalhos ao dossiê temático, que poderá ser editada pela Comissão Editorial

- Indicar lista de possíveis pareceristas que pesquisem no tema proposto e possam ser convidados a avaliar as submissões

- Captar textos em potencial, fazendo convites específicos a pesquisadores que trabalhem com o tema para que submetam manuscritos ao dossiê

- Participar as reuniões online agendadas com o editor-mediador, que instruirá sobre o processo editorial bem como sobre o uso da plataforma do Sistema Eletrônico de Editoração de Revistas (SEER)

- Utilizar a plataforma do SEER para acessar, registrar e comunicar suas avaliações

- Avaliar e emitir parecer (quanto ao conteúdo) sobre todas as submissões previamente aprovadas pela Comissão Editorial (fase 2)

- Definir os pareceristas para cada submissão recebida e efetivamente obter os pareceres (fase 2)

- Em caso de solicitação de ajustes de conteúdo, aprovar o texto final que será enviado para revisão de forma

- Redigir a Apresentação ao dossiê, segundo o gênero ensaio teórico, previamente ao lançamento do dossiê


Das responsabilidades da Comissão Editorial

A Comissão Editorial é compreendida pelos editores permanentes do periódico. São suas atribuições:

- analisar as propostas de organização de dossiês temáticos

- decidir o calendário de publicação dos dossiês, bem como o calendário das chamadas para trabalhos

- mediar todo o processo de editoração desde o recebimento eletrônico das submissões até sua publicação final, incluindo os estágios de avaliação, revisão de texto e diagramação

- instruir os organizadores sobre as ações necessárias para avaliar as submissões recebidas, incluindo suporte à utilização da plataforma editorial SEER

- solicitar ajustes aos autores e conferir as alterações de forma nas novas versões

- tomar a decisão editorial subsidiada pelos pareceres do editor permanente responsável pela submissão, do editor convidado e do(s) parecerista(s) membros do Conselho ou ad hoc

- responsabilizar-se pela revisão de forma, diagramação, alimentação de metadados e indexação dos artigos


Da documentação para a proposta

O proponente enviará a proposta pelo sistema da revista.

Todos os coeditores deverão estar cadastrados no sistema.


Preencher título e resumo da proposta (até 200 palavras).

Anexar arquivo docx  contendo:

- Nome e sobrenome, instituição de afiliação e orcid de todos os coeditores

- Link para o currículo lattes de todos os coeditores (no caso de brasileiros)

- Tema e título prévio do dossiê

-  Justificativa e relevância temática,

- Áreas de concentração e/ou linhas de pesquisa nas quais o dossiê se insira

- Perspectivas: informações adicionais (por ex, relação com eventos, grupos de pesquisa, volume de submissões esperado, período pretendido entre o início e o encerramento dos trabalhos, considerando 6 meses)

- Lista de pareceristas que serão convidados (indicar pelo menos 10)

Dossie: Portuguese and other heritage languages

Submissions are open for: theoretical articles; articles resulting from emprical research, unpublished reviews of recent books, and interviews

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.