Psicologia Fenomenológica da Imaginação em Sartre: A Eidética da Imagem
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Fenomenologia. psicologia fenomenológica. imaginação. imagem. hylé.Résumé
The aim of the present article is to investigate the Sartre’s critic about the imagination theory as it is outlined in his work The Imagination (1936): as we will see, Sartre intends to deal with a new consciousness eidetic variation, the imaginary consciousness, and it’s correlate, the image as a specific mode that this imaginative consciousness possesses to apprehend a presence from an absence. So the question is: what must be a consciousness so that it imagines an X that is neither really nor presently given in the phenomenal field? Carrying out a theoretical deconstruction of the sixteenth and seventeenth-century psychologies and philosophies (as well as nineteenth-century positivist psychologies), Sartre hopes to renew the image theory from an eidetic analysis: in this respect, the image, as we shall see, will cease to be a mere revived or weakened sensation of the real object. Moreover, the current work will also attempt to make a precise critique of Husserl’s notion of hylé (mental image matter).
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