Intencionalidade e evidência em Heidegger
DOI :és :
Intencionalidade, Plenitude intuitiva, Identificação, Evidência, Ser-no-mundoRésumé
This article aims to explain the phenomenology of evidence in Heidegger's thought. It takes as a starting point and guideline the intentionality. Knowledge is an intentional relationship, which may show various degrees of intuitive fullness. The fullest degree is that of perception. With perception occurs the filling of the empty intentions and performs the act of identification: the coincidence between the presumed and intuited. Evidence is the act of identification that clarifies himself. It is not a feeling of a closed consciousness. The clarification of evidence presupposes the open-ness of the lighting-process of Being, in which the human being establishes dwelling as a being, which exists in the mode of to-be-in-the-World.
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