The Method as Essay
an heterodox view from Cartesianism using the philosophies of Adorno and Merleau-Ponty as a standpoint
Method. Essay. Descartes. Adorno. Merleau-Ponty.Abstract
In The Essay as Form, Theodor Adorno criticizes the supposed rigidity of the Cartesian method, which would subsume the understanding of the object to postulates previously placed by the investigator's mind, opposing it with the epistemological richness of the essay form in the apprehension of the objects of knowledge. However, is it possible to affirm the existence of an essayistic character in Descartes' work, hidden by the predominance of a reductive vision of Method, that would prevent the apprehension of objects within their context? In this paper, we aim to analyze elements of the Meditations and the Discourse of Method, starting from Adorno's and Merleau-Ponty's readings on the essay form and a possible conflict between the initial postulates of the Cartesian works referred to and the objective rigidity of the four steps of the Method. From this critical analysis, we seek to observe the occurrence of points of confluence and divergence in the methodology of these authors.
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