On the Essence of the Human Being in Heidegger's Philosophy





Being. Time. Language. Human being. Essence.


The intellectual trajectory of the philosopher Martin Heidegger is marked by devotion to the thought of the question of the meaning of being. The exact nature of the problem remains controversial. Heidegger himself intervened in the discussions in two ways. Refuting the reduction of the interpretation of his purpose to the meaning that founded the existentialist doctrine. And rejecting the understanding according to which he would have given up on his problem in Time and Being, written 35 years after it was announced in Being and Time. In this article, after contextualizing his work, we address Heidegger's main formulations on the question of the meaning of being: the relations of the being with time, with language and with man. Finally, we emphasize what we understand to constitute his central objective: to interpret the essence of the human being as destined to the understanding of the meaning of being in general. For Heidegger, prior to any form of manifestation of logical rationality, man is defined as the locus of irruption of the meaning of being.

Author Biography

  • Vicente Gomes, Universidade Federal do Piaui

    Doutor em Filosofia pela UNICAMP (tese: Causalidade e Hermenêutica em Sociologia da Ciência. Uma Crítica ao Programa Forte de David Bloor) e Mestre em Filosofia pela UNICAMP (dissertação: A Gênese e a Compreensão do Objeto Cultural em Karl Mannheim). Especialista em Filosofia Contemporânea, convênio UFPI-UFRJ (monografia: O Conceito de Existência em Heidegger). Graduado em Filosofia pela UFPI. Professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal do Piauí UFPI. Publicou, em 2017, o livro Causalidade e Hermeneutica em Sociologia da Ciência, pela EDUFPI. Publicou, em 2019, A natureza do vínculo entre conhecimento e contexto social, como capítulo do Livro Temas de Filosofia Contemporânea (Fênix/EDUFPI). Trabalha nas áreas acadêmicas de Ética, Filosofia da Ciência, Metodologia da Ciência, Teoria do Conhecimento, Filosofia Social, Metodologia Filosófica, Sociologia da Ciência


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How to Cite

On the Essence of the Human Being in Heidegger’s Philosophy. Journal of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. 53–86, 2024. DOI: 10.26512/rfmc.v11i2.36761. Disponível em: https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/fmc/article/view/36761. Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.