Question-Answer Semantics






The present paper deals with a special kind of many-valued semantics: Question-Answer Semantics, in which logical values are products of questions about semantic predicates (‘true’, ‘false’, etc.) and corresponding answers (‘yes’, ‘no’, etc.). It purports to clarify some di_culties related to what is meant by basic speech-acts like assertion and denial. Deep disagreements occur whenever any two speakers disagree about the meaning of the words they use. In the special case of truth-values, Frege took these as the referents of propositions that are classes of sentences accepted (‘true’) or rejected (‘false’). Starting from this usual depiction of truth and falsehood, a general algebraic framework ARn/m is proposed in order to systematize the use of truth-values within a dialectical perspective of logic. A special attention is paid to two pseudo-speakers radically opposed, namely: Heraclitus, and Nagarjuna, according to whom truth-values refer to everything and nothing, respectively. In the end, a dialectical (pseudo-Hegelian) negation is sketched as a very peculiar function, namely: as an ontological object-forming operator, which is similar to the arithmetic successor-forming operator Sn+1(x) applied to integers and also matches with a generalized theory of truth-values as Millian or Kripkean proper names.

Author Biography

  • Fabien Schang, Universidade Federal de Goiás, UFG

    Visiting Professor at the Department of Philosophy of the Federal University of Goiás - UFG (Brazil). Ph.D. in Philosophy by theUniversité de Nancy 2 / Lorraine (France).


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How to Cite

Question-Answer Semantics. Journal of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 73–102, 2020. DOI: 10.26512/rfmc.v8i1.32835. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 feb. 2025.