Religion Redeemed by Reason
Enlightenment according to Gotthold E. Lessing
Enlightenment. Theology. Controversies. Argumentation. HumanitiesAbstract
The paper intends to highlight how much a certain Enlightenment is not necessarily a fight against established religion. It may be even an impulse to save it, although it is not a religious project, but an humanistic one. More precisely, the text proposes to underline that saving religion of itself to emancipate humanity by reason and education would be the very project of Lessing, notably in Nathan the Wise. For this purpose, the paper will contextualize the German intellectual daily scene of Lessing´s time, scene guided by theological texts, not by enlightened ones; it will approach the various theologies existing then in Germany; it will also approach the very Enlightenment assuming a theological dimension, with Christian Wolff. The enlightened majority of Lessing will be visited by means of his plural vocation, of his taste for controversies, emphasizing also the peculiarity of his argumentation without fixed or demarcated positions; and yet, by the notions of education and humanity.
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