Notes on Translatability, Pedagogy and Hegemony in A. Gramsci's Notebooks
translatability, hegemony, pedagogy, Lenin, GramsciAbstract
In this article, I am presenting some reflections on one of the main sources of the relationship between the concepts of “hegemony”, “pedagogy” and “translatability” in Antonio Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks. In particular, I shall focus on the post-1917 Lenin, who stressed the role played by “culture” and “pedagogy” in the construction of the new Russian economy, politics, and society. I shall also deal with some important points that Gramsci develops on the grounds of his own reflection on Lenin’s work during this post-1917 historical phase, especially with the relationship between translatability, “translation”, political hegemony and pedagogy. The following pages are consciously and necessarily conceived as a limited intervention, which will require further integration in the future.
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