Analyticity and Syntheticity: the Judicative Form of Cognition in Kant
distinction between analytic and synthetic judgments; critiques to the Kantian distinction; possibility of synthetic a priori judgments; sensibility and the understanding; deduction the categoriesAbstract
This paper aims at approaching the distinction between analytic and synthetic judgments as the ground of the establishment of the Kantian epistemology. At first, a consideration of the Kantian formulation and its examples is set forth. After that, the critiques laid out by Eberhard, Lovejoy, Quine, and White are taken into account. Finally, the originality of the Kantian position concerning the distinction at hand and the possibility of synthetic a priori judgments is brought into the discussion. The conclusion reached is that the originality of the Kantian position relies upon the two elements grounding his theory of knowledge: the primordial distinction between the faculties of sensibility and the understanding as well as their necessary correlation regarding the foundation of human cognition.
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