Rereading Kafka’s "The Process" as a Social Pathology Manifestation
self-slander, confession, tragedy, comedy, pathology of the socialAbstract
First of all, this work seeks to resume Agamben’s reading of Kafka’s “The process”. He intends to show that the character Joseph K. performs an auto-slander. Agamben suggests that such self-slander is what each man does with himself ”“ than, the interest in this theme. Following Agamben’s analyses, we could sight that it is about of a justification of the guilty before the law (as if the law were the modern form of redemption a guilt). This essay proposes to interpret Kafka’s work in a different way. It wants to show that it is the social whose conducts K. to assume a guilty (therefore there is not an auto-slander). At this point, it could have a passage from the capacity of the subject to doubt of the process’ legitimacy to its unconditional acceptance of it ”“ as if the social could lead him to lose his capacity of doubt. Hence, that is why it could be said that it is a social pathology which “sickens” the individual.
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