Analysis of Grounds for the Truth of Arithmetical Sentences
Arithmetic, Standard model, Truth-condictionsAbstract
The main subject of this work is the truth of mathematical assertions and its aim is to evaluate, in the arithmetical context, one of the elements featured by Freire in (2018) and in this issue of the Revista de Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea (in joint work with Ramos): a strategie to fix the truth-condition of arithmetical propositions based on the directive principles that govern the practice of this matter. The method of analysis aims to elucidate the contribution of the directive principles to fix the standard model of arithmetics and takes in consideration three differents metrics. From this results the approach based in principles is compared with other three proposals well known in the literature. The result of this comparison is far favorable to Freire and Ramos’ approach in this issue.
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