The Althusser-Effect on Foucault: From the Punitive Society to the Theory of the Reproduction




Foucalt. Althusser. Power. State.


This paper intends to study the impact of Althusser’s article, “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses”, published in June 1970, on Michel Foucault’s 1973 Lectures at the Collège de France, The Punitive Society. It deals more specifically about the way Foucault proposes, facing Althusserian Marxism, a sort of “counter-Marxism”. Althusser’s article, by proposing the original hypothesis of the Ideological State Apparatuses (ISA), is an outline of a theory of the reproduction of the capitalist society’s relations of production. Foucault’s Lectures, far from being just an analysis of the birth of a penal system focused on prison, is a genuine genealogy of the power relations which are necessary to the constitution of the capitalist society: to do that, Foucault studies how labour force has been produced throughout a set of institutional framings that he calls “institutions of sequestration”, which consist in an obvious response to Althusser’s ISA. The paper ends the examination of the confrontation between Foucault and Althusser by shining a light on their fundamental divergences about the way to conceive the social struggles.

Author Biography

  • Julien Pallotta, Université de Toulouse 2 - Jean Jaurès, France

    Doutor em Filosofia pela Université de Toulouse II - Jean Jaurès. Possui Mestrado em Filosofia pela Université Paris I - Pantheon-Sorbonne (2004), e Mestrado em Cinema pela Université Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle. Agregé de Filosofia e professor do Lycée Molière - Rio de Janeiro, concentra seus estudos em História da Filosofia Francesa Contemporânea, Filosofia Política, Filosofia da Educação e Estética a partir das obras de Louis Althusser, Michel Foucault, Etienne Balibar, Jacques Rancière, Pierre Bourdieu e Jean-Luc Godard. Atualmente é Pesquisador convidado do laboratorio de Filosofia Contemporânea da UFRJ, pesquisador associado à L'Ecole Doctorale ERRAPHIS de l'Université de Toulouse II além de trabalhar na organização e tradução da obra do antropólogo brasileiro Eduardo Viveiros de Castro para o francês e do Filósofo francês Etienne Balibar para o português.


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How to Cite

The Althusser-Effect on Foucault: From the Punitive Society to the Theory of the Reproduction. Journal of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 15–29, 2019. DOI: 10.26512/rfmc.v7i1.19677. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 mar. 2025.