The resentment as inhibition of action, reaction and action in Nietzsche’s philosophy
Active-reactive, Will to power, Resentiment, Nietzsche, Dühring, DostoevskyAbstract
The purpose of this article is to analyze the notions of action, reaction and inhibition of action in Nietzsche's philosophy in the relationship with the concept of resentment. This analysis will be made taking as basic text the Genealogyof Morals and considering some philosopher readings associated with thetopic. A first is Dühring, in whose writings we find the idea of resentment as a"reactive feeling" that mechanically wouldgive rise to a reaction, to the revenge actionthat he calls a justice. The second is Dostoevsky, which allows the idea of the resentment especially, including the idea of an inhibition of the action, a reaction that is not effective in acts and, therefore, back to the inside the man blocking his present life. As we shall see, it is this psychological factor that will allow Nietzsche to use the concept without being attached to the basic idea of a simple mechanical reaction.
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