An approach to the idea of consent in will’s phenomenology by Paul Ricoeur: roots of liberty
Ricoeur, Will, Consent, FreedomAbstract
This article proposes an approach to the idea of consent in Ricoeur’s Philosophy of the will, published in French in 1950. We expose in large terms its specific context, the phenomenological inquire of the will project’s, and we examine the difficulties of its eidetics description. We aim to accent its pretended contribution to the understanding of freedom exercise in situation, how it is realized by the author with the elucidation of the absolute bodilyinvoluntary in three dimensions: the character, the unconscious and the life. Without to attend all the accurate description that Ricoeur makes from each one of these dimensions, we pursuit to distinguish what means consent in his own terms and outpoint the problem set by the Ricoeur’s response to the question “why to consent?”.
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