The provenance of technicity in perspective of the tought of "Being-ashistory": an interpretation since Heidegger
Technicity, Functionality, Truth, Being-as-history, HeideggerAbstract
This paper presents the proposal of thinking, with Heidegger, the historical origin of modern technique, from the historical-ontological think, i.e., the thought that meditates on the history of Being. In this effort, the meditation goes back to the Greek origins of this history, proposing to understand the essential meaning of téchne among the Greeks. Then exposes the intermediation exercised by the roman interpretation of the truth and of the Being as "actualitas". Next, this paper presents the transformation of the ontology of "actualitas" in the modern metaphysics of functionality, that effective the correspondence of subjectivity and objectivity. Finally, ask about the end of this metaphysic in the dominance of the current technique.
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